Sermon Notes
- The alarm clock is going off and God is trying to wake us up. He is saying, “Awake; turn to me in repentance and faith-filled prayers; seek my wholeheartedly; get rid of your compromise; press in to the Lord.”
- Summarize last week’s message
- All the prophetic words (positive – blessing over Israel, promises given to King Solomon; negative – disciplines spoken over Israel; judgment over Ninevah) are with an “if” “then” reality.
- Understand the heart of the Father…He’s doing whatever it takes to remove that which is hindering love for Him. Even though his tone has changed, His nature has not. he is a good, good Father who only wants the best for you. It’s the story of his heart for Ninevah, not the story of Jonah.
- The Word of Hope – 2 Ch.7.13-14; Joel 2.12-14; Rev.2-3; Acts 3.19-20; Jer.22.1-5
- Our actions are making a difference; just 10 people living a righteous life would have saved Sodom!
- White Board illustration – the Garden
- Babylon is Scripture represents the End Time culture that tries to control people with compromise and or fear
It takes conviction and courage to make a difference as the Bride of Christ in Babylon
- Who wants to be a hero and stand up to the bad guy…stand up for the weak ones…foster parents, Jessi Hines, child advocates, Lindsy & Shannon Shores, Nanette with ROH, etc. these are people of courage and conviction.
- Dan.1 – Biblical conviction of maintaining their dietary laws; the courage to both take a stand as teenage boys. They did not just rebel, but they offered a solution.
- Dan.2 – courage of Daniel to stand before Neb and ask for more time & conviction that God would provide both the dream and its interpretation.
- Dan.3 – the three young men who would only worship God and they stood up the King and said they were willing to die for their conviction.
- Dan.4 – the courage to call Neb to repentance from his sin and abusive ways.
- Dan.5 – courage to speak the hard truth to Bel despite it meaning that the King would die.
- Dan.6 – Biblical conviction to worship only God and the courage to die for his faith.
- We must be people of courage and conviction in a compromising and corrosive culture.
Babylon says:
- Keep your faith private. Don’t express it to others; don’t let it interfere with the way we do life, handle your finances, address your problems, do business, your political views or entertainment or personal choices. Keep your faith separate from intersecting other parts of your life.
- Our Biblical convictions must intersect every area of our lives.
- It’s okay to compromise your faith. What’s the big deal…worship your God, but also worship the King; follow your truth…but also when in Babylon does as the Babylonians. This leads to lukewarmness and Jesus is done with lukewarm Christians. It used to be that there was a lot of grace but we’re in a new season.
- Kris Valloton’s word about Ananias & Sapphira and dying when they lied. Peter did not know that An would die; Peter was the biggest liar of all; people had all lied and did not die; but this was a new season and God’s tone had changed.
- It’s not okay to live in a state of compromise your faith.
- If you have recently had promptings, “I need to start this…stop that…” those promptings are from the HS and you need to address them now. You are making choices now that will affect the next 10-15 years of your life.
- If you don’t fall in line, there will be consequences. You will be alienated and persecuted.
- Jesus said in Matt.24 that we will be hated all over the world b/c we are followers of Jesus; Paul said that if you want to live a godly life you will be persecuted; Peter told us to be ready to suffer for Jesus.
- Persecution is intensifying for the American church. Like Daniel and his friends, if you don’t bow the knee to the cultural standards and expectations expect resistance – family, friends, etc.
As the Bride of Christ in this hour, our Biblical convictions must be courageously expressed in the corrosive and harsh environment of Babylon.
- We are the ones who are preserving, saving and shaping this culture; the Bride of Christ is the hope of the world.