Sermon Notes
- Describing the Passover & 10 Plagues
- 1 Cor.5.7
- God is a poet (He’s more than that). He speaks on a lot of different levels to us. He loves for us to connect the dots and to see how one thing is connected to another. You can read into things especially the negative, but you can also miss things. Jesus said that we need to have eyes that see and ears that hear.
- The disciples missed the obvious until after the fact. The whole purpose of Jesus’life. It was only after Pentecost – 50 days – that they began to understand what Jesuslife was about…then they had the ‘now a get it’ moment!
- If you’re going through a dark season, God is connecting the dots; he is taking something that is ugly, rough and broken and turning it into something beautiful, strong and whole.
- Don’t judge it…back off from making judgments and trust that God will draw it together.
- Upside down painters…looks a mess…until you turn it up…God will do the same with this COVD 19 and all the issues you’re facing.
Similarities of the Sacrifices
- Heb.10.1-5: The OT sacrifices and rituals were only shadows of a greater reality…more study read Hebrews 9 – 10.
- They were both examined for a period of time
- Ex.12.3 & 6: They brought the sacrificial lamb and they examined on the 10 day of the Passover month until the 14th day.
- Jesus rode on a donkey into Jerusalem on the 10 day of the Passover month (as all those lambs are being gathered for the Passover) and he was examined by the very religious leaders who inspected those lambs. They were looking for false evidence against Jesus so they could put him to death.
- They were both without defect that is pure for sacrifice.
- Ex.12.5 – They had to be without defects; You could not offer a defective animal – deformities, injuries or sickness. That is why they were given four days to examine the animal.
- 1 Pet.1.18f – For you know that God paid a ransom to save you from the emptylife you inherited. And the ransom he paid was not mere gold or silver. It was the precious blood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God.
- Only the sinlesslife of Jesus could take away our sinfulness of humanity. Only an eternal sinless sacrifice could pay for and remove humanity’s sin.
- The blood was applied to wooden beams
- Ex.12 – they were to take the blood of the lamb and put it on the wooden doorframe of their homes. The entry way into protection and provision was through a doorway covered with the blood of a Lamb. They had to come through the blood covered entry way for protection and eventual freedom.
- Jesus died on a wooden cross with his blood running down it. Jesus said, “I am the door – the way of entering God’s presence.” His blood covers the doorway that we have to enter through for our freedom and protection.
- The Passover Lamb covered others from God’s justice against sin
- The blood of the Passover Lamb kept the family safe from God’s justice against sin so they could experience God’s mercy
- Jesus as the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world did the same but it is for all eternity. More to follow on that topic.
- They ate the lamb
- This was their last supper in bondage to slavery and they need the nourishment to get them out of Egypt. The lamb provided them the nourishment to get them out of the bondage of Egypt in that moment in
- And Jesus told us, “Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood…you cannot have eternallife.” One of the hardest statements Jesus every made…and it caused many to quit following.
- What did he mean by it? Why do we eat & drink…for nourishment, strength, tolive…Jesus is saying we are to taking him as our source of nourishment and strength. Haven’t you found that to be true? When you consume all kinds of stuff but then you pause and you consume real Truth it energizes and refreshes us…THAT’S WHAT’S HAPPENING TO SOME OF YOU NOW OR DURING WORSHIP.
- This was their Last Supper in bondage.
- The Last Supper they had in Egyptian bondage
- Jesus had the Last Supper with his disciples and he DIED on the cross andliberated us from slavery to sin, death & the devil.
- They did not break the bones
- Ex.12. – They could not break the bones of the passover lamb.
- John 19 – The soldiers were ordered to break the leg bones of the crucified to hasten their death, but when they came to Jesus he was already dead…as John writes – these things happened to fulfill Scriptures which says, “Not one of his bones will be broken.”
- Summary: All these details woven together for all to see. God loves for us to connect the dots and see His love, goodness and wisdom throughout ourlives…this is why it is important to recount the stories both past and current of God’s activity in ourlife. Often we get so focused on our current reality or future projections that we don’t see what God did to get us to where we are.
The Superiority of Jesus’ Sacrifice
- His blood protects us from God’s eternal justice against sin
- Some people don’tlike talking about God’s justice against sin. God doesn’t hate humanity, but he cannot let lawbreakers go unpunished b/c he is 100% just. They have to experience the consequence for their sin.
- What would America looklike if we didn’t have a justice system… we said to lawbreakers that we love them and only encouraged them to stop.
- You have to punish lawbreakers or there are major negative consequences, major social consequences…justice brings order to a society.
- From the moment of conception you became an eternal being…therefore your actions in thislife have an eternal impact…therefore if you don’t receive by faith God’s provision for your sin then you have to pay for it through all eternity.
- So the same God, who is 100% just is 100% merciful, so he provides a way for your sins to be punished through the death of Jesus. He took our punishment for breaking God’s laws so that we could experience His forgiveness and freedom.
- Some people don’tlike talking about God’s justice against sin. God doesn’t hate humanity, but he cannot let lawbreakers go unpunished b/c he is 100% just. They have to experience the consequence for their sin.
- His blood releases you from bondage of sin & brokenness into freedom and a newlife
- The Passover lamb covered them so they were then released from Egypt to head to the PL, but it didn’t last long. They eventually took a 40 year detour b/c of rebellion.
- The blood of Jesus releases Doug’s story last week
- Bondages to sin, pain & wounds, hurt…
- Every Sunday I look over a group of people who have beenliberated or are beingliberated from bondages of brokenness
The Application of His Blood
- You are responsible to apply it to yourlife
- Each family was responsible to cover their household with the blood of the Lamb. It wasn’t up to Moses or Aaron or whomever. There were undoubtedly people who died unnecessarily because they did not apply the blood of the Lamb to their home.
- It is up to you to personally apply it to yourlife through repentance and faith. You can know what to do and how to do it, but you are still on the road to God’s justice. It’s not up to your parents, spouse but you.
- You must be willing to leave the old way behind
- Many of the people started out of the bondage of Egypt but then longed to return.
- If you want his blood to cover you, you must forsake all to follow him…you can’t keep longing for the good old days…Jesus said, “I must be first above your family, etc.”
- You have victory over every enemy of Jesus including COVID 19.
- The Israelites saw God defeat the strongest nation in the world
- Col.2 – He cancelled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross. In this way, he disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross.
- Since he defeated the Egyptians and the devil, there ain’t an enemy in yourlife he cannot defeat!
- The reason I can say any of this is b/c Jesus rose from the dead proving that he is victorious over sin, satan, death and any issue or problem you’re facing.
- He is the resurrection and thelife & anyone who believes in him willlive even after dying – John 11.
- Have you applied the blood of the Jesus our Passover Lamb to yourlife? Have you repented and put your faith in Jesus.